Anthony R. Ives
Steenbock Professor of Biological Sciences

- 459 Birge Hall
- (608) 262-1519
- CV
My areas of research are community ecology, population biology, evolutionary ecology, and phylogenetics. Although I have research projects involving different questions and different experimental systems, almost all involve temporal dynamics, spatial dynamics, or spatio-temporal dynamics – how things vary through time and space. While some projects are purely mathematical, most combine theory and data.
Graduate students
K. Riley Book

I am interested in processes that drive variation in the structure and function of ecological communities, as well as the influence that abiotic and biotic conditions have on the outcomes of these processes. At Lake Mývatn, Iceland, I pair observational surveys and experiments to investigate the influence of acute disturbances such as cyanobacterial blooms and wind events on benthic algal communities, with a focus on their role in shaping nutrient availability and biogeochemical cycling.
Emily Adler

- website
I am interested in how benthic and pelagic communities are linked and the effects of disturbance on those linkages.
Qinxiao Liu

I’m interested in the dynamics of species interaction and how these are simultaneously determine by and drive ecological and evolutionary processes.
Viktor Aðalsteinsson

I am interested in understanding metapopulation dynamics in aquatic ecosystems, particularly how population fluctuations and species interactions are influenced by environmental factors and habitat connectivity. My research focuses on long-term population trends, source-sink dynamics, and species composition within freshwater systems, with a specific interest in midges as bioindicators of ecological health. I am currently a M.Sc. student at Hólar University in Iceland, and Bjarni Kristjánsson and Tony Ives serve as my advisors.
Research Scientist
Miriam Kishinevsky

- website
I am interested in the ecology of insect parasitoids in natural and agricultural systems. I use different sampling techniques and taxonomic tools to investigate the ways predation, competition and resource distribution affect parasitoid abundance, life history and community structure.
Former graduate students
- Jamie Botsch (PhD 2023, currently Assistant Professor at Austin Peay State University)
- Lucas Nell (PhD 2022, currently Postdoc at Cornell University)
- Mike Bosch (PhD 2022, currently Postdoc at USDA, Helo, Hawaii)
- Amanda McCormick (PhD 2020, currently Postdoc at UC Davis)
- Joe Phillips (PhD 2019, currently Assistant Professor at Creighton College)
- Fan Huan (PhD 2016, currently Research Scientist at Wilmar International Ltd., Singapore)
- Kyle Webert (PhD 2016, current laboratory instructor at UW-Madison)
- Meghan Fitzgerald (PhD 2016, currently with the Shelterwood Collective)
- Jacob Usinowicz (PhD 2014, currently Postdoc at University of British Columbia)
- Jocelyn Behm (PhD 2012, currently Assistant Professor at Temple University)
- Nicole Rafferty (PhD 2011, currently Assistant Professor at UC Irvine)
- Tucker Gilman (PhD 2010, currently Senior Lecturer at University of Manchester)
- Matt Helmus (PhD 2008, currently Associate Professor at Temple University)
- Kate Forbes (PhD 2008)
- Chad Harvey (PhD 2007, currently iSci Teaching Professor at McMaster University, Canada)
- Kevin Gross (PhD 2003, currently Professor at NC State)
- Jen Klug (PhD 2001, currently Professor at Fairfield University)
- Johannes Foufopoulos (PhD 1998, currently Professor at U Michigan)
- Eric Klopfer (PhD 1997, currently Professor at MIT)
- Todd Palmer (MA 1994, currently Professor at U Florida)
Former postdoctoral associates
- Tanjona Ramiadantsoa (2016-2019, with Monica Turner, currently Adjunct Professor at University of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar)
- Rachel Penczykowski (2016-2017, currently Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis)
- Likai Zhu (2015-2017, with Volker Radeloff, currently Assistant Professor at Peking University)
- Brandon Barton (2010-2015, currently Assistant Professor at Mississippi State)
- Mireia Bartrons (2011-2012, with Jake Vander Zanden, currently Assistant Professor, University of Vic, Spain)
- Tobin Northfield (2011-2013, currently Assistant Professor at Washington State)
- Karen Abbott (2006-2009, currently Associate Professor at Case Western U)
- Meghan Duffy (2006-2007, currently Professor at U Michigan)
- Jason Harmon (2005-2009, currently Associate Professor at North Dakota State)
- Derek Johnson (2005, currently Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University)
- Brad Cardinale (2002-2005, currently Professor at U of Michigan)
- Kelley Tilmon (2002-2005, currently Professor at Purdue University)
- Ralph Haygood (2002-2005, currently in private business)
- Chris Williams (2001-2004, currently Professor at U of Delaware)
- Bea Beisner (2000-2002, with Steve Carpenter [primary], currently Professor at Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Jörgen Ripa (2000-2001, currently Researcher at Lund University)
- Bill Snyder (1999-2000, currently Professor at Washington State)
- Nancy Schellhorn (1998-99, currently a senior research scientist for CSIRO, Australia)
- John Losey (1996-97, currently Professor at Cornell University)